We are the new generation of young folks ushering in a the regenerative paradigm. We can help you move beyond sustainability by having a positive footprint, & grow better than organic by working with nature.
We are experts in these three areas: education, fungi, and composting.
The great re-skilling
Teaching is one of our greatest passions. We love sharing what we’ve learned from our years of experience with permaculture, fungi, & composting. In addition to experience in the field, we have experience teaching all ages, from kindergarten to adults.
We are here to help skill you up so that you can learn along with us what it means to regenerate our soil, air, & water back to its natural, healthy, abundant state. We do this by teaching both public & private classes related to permaculture design, fungal ecology, & home-scale composting.
We’re coming out: we love rotting wood!
There’s a reason why you are hearing a lot about mushrooms these days. Modern science is finally catching up to traditional wisdom & uncovering the fact that fungi have symbiotically co-evolved with plants & animals in order to help ecosystems generate, thrive, & regenerate. We are actively involved in the movement to educate people about fungi & to create mushroom installations so that your landscape can benefit from the soil generating, soil cleansing, & symbiotic roles fungi play in every environment.
We are committed to working with native, endemic, naturalized, cosmopolitan, & non-parasitic fungal species so as to protect our very sensitive ecosystem. We use low-to-zero waste cultivation techniques. We grow our spawn in reusable glass jars in order to avoid single-use plastics to produce our mushroom cultures & we grow our mushrooms on the logs & branches of invasive & trimmed tree species. We are actively involved with planting fruit trees on local farms & local reforestation efforts.
Made easy
Our backyard is full of different composting systems that we use, test out, & improve constantly. We have been successfully composting our yard trimmings & kitchen scraps for years & we want you to be successful at composting too.
With our help you can create your own healthy, organic soil amendment simply using your kitchen scraps & yard trimmings. We can help you set up very low-maintenance home composting such as worm bins, keyhole raised-bed gardens, & compost tea brewers so that you don’t have to turn huge green waste piles every other day. Let us show you how the worms & air pump can do the work for you!